Can I submit a student recommendation without using the StandOut Admissions Network system?

If you receive a student's recommendation request from the StandOut Admissions Network site, you can either submit the recommendation via the StandOut Admissions Network site or through another means (such as paper mail, or Naviance).

  • If you don't plan to submit via the StandOut Admissions Network site, contact the student who requested your recommendation, inform them that you will be submitting through separate means.  The student should be able to give you the correct mailing address, and/or any other information you need. Generally, colleges require both a Letter of Recommendation and a School Report (such as a  NACAC school report) with a counselor recommendation. Generally, colleges require just the Letter of Recommendation with a teacher or non-counselor recommendation.

  • If you have a StandOut Admissions Network account and need help submitting a recommendation, log in and select Technical Support for help articles on submitting recommendations via the site.



If you have questions about what to submit and you don't have a StandOut Admissions Network account, ask the student who made the request for more information. Students have access to a full list of help articles, which may offer more guidance.






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