My profile

Your profile contains basic information about you. It also contains information that some colleges want to know, if and when you submit an application.

Profile sections include:

  • Personal Information: Name and basic information (such as gender).  Your name, email address, and birth date can only be edited by editing your Account Settings.
  • Contact Information: Phone number and mailing address.
  • High School Information: School name, expected graduation date.
  • Demographic Information: Cultural background (this information is optional).
  • Citizenship Information: US citizenship status and birthplace.
  • Family Information
  • High school and college coursework (classes taken, grades received, and so on)
  • Test Scores
  • Honors and Distinctions you received in high school (and college, if applicable)
  • Academic Interests
  • Activities/Experience
  • StandOut Admissions Network Essay
  • Additional Information

Some information you enter in your profile may become part of submitted applications.



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