This profile section collects information about your high school and grade level. Watch out tutorial to learn how to complete your High School Information Section
Entering your high school
To get started, first choose your type of high school from the list of three options: US High School, Non-US High School, or homeschool. Search by state (or if you're outside the US, by country) to find your school.
If you never attended high school and were not homeschooled, check "I did not attend any high schools."
To enter a high school, type in the first few letters of your high school’s name or location and then choose from the results shown.
- If you can't find your school by city or name, try entering the CEEB code. There's a list of UShigh schools and their codes here:, or ask your counselor for your school's code.
- If your high school is not in the search results, or if you're homeschooled and your homeschool association isn't listed, click the link ‘High School not found’ to activate an input screen for high school name, address, and dates of attendance.
Your selection from the search results will automatically populate your high school’s name and address in your student profile.
Most Recent High School Information
High School 1 asks for information about your current high school and your current grade level. If you previously attended other high schools, add them after High School 1.
- Date started/ended: the dates you attended this school, both a start and end date. If you're still attending, enter an estimated end date.
- How are classes scheduled: how the academic year is divided into grading periods (semesters, quarters, and so on). Select the box for "block scheduling" if this school holds some classes on Mon/Wed/Fri only and others on Tue/Thu only.
- Grading Scale: whether the school uses letters, numbers, or other grading methods.
Once you have entered all your high schools, choose your most recent or graduating high school, and enter some additional information.
- Most recent academic year: your current grade level from 9th to 13th, and includes an "already graduated" option.
- GPA Type: whether your school provides your grade point average as a weighted calculation (based on courses you might have taken with extra points like honors or AP courses) or an unweighted calculation; or whether your school does not provide GPA calculations at all.
- GPA scale: choose from a 4-point, 5-point or 100-point scale, or choose ‘other’ to enter more information about your high school’s GPA scale.
- Cumulative GPA: enter your cumulative GPA (the GPA you have earned over your entire high school career; not the specific GPA you earned for a particular year).
- How is rank reported on your transcript: the reporting method your high school uses to express how you rank within your high school class: as an exact rank (1st), in deciles (top 10%), in quartiles (top 25%), in quintiles (top 20%) or in percentiles (top 1%).
- Class rank: fill in your class rank as reported on your transcript (if any).
- Class size: how many students are in your class (at your current grade level).
Add your High School Counselor
Enter your counselor's information (name, email address, and so on), or select from among your existing StandOut Admissions Network contacts and their name and other information will be automatically added.
International Exams
This section is visible only if you've entered a non-US high school and specified it is "exam based." Enter any exam results related to the school, if any. When done, check the box for "I am finished reporting my international exams or I have none to report."
High School Equivalency
If you have earned a GED or other high school equivalency, check "I did not finish high school but instead took a test (such as GED or CHSPE) to earn high school equivalency" and enter the date earned.
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